Monday, March 23, 2009

Fiona Hall's Dead in water uses PVC, glass beads and wire as materials of choice 1.The beads are thread on to the wire which is the wound up and around to create three dimensional structures 2. These then have been suspended from PVC pipes that are on the top of the display and appear to float within the glass box. Hall would have thread the beads and then individual finished each element of the piece before attaching them to the already suspended PVC pipes, that appear to be fixed on to the glass. Rosalie Gascoigne is trained in Ikebana; the Japanese art of arrangement that has helped her look at things in a different way 3.Since she spent most of her time in the mountains in New Zealand most of the material she used had to be what she could find. Her art comes from things that can be found discarded as rubbish everyday things no one gives a second look. She collected pieces that were particularly interesting, brought them home washed them down and the used them in her pieces.In Gazette she has used an old wooden box and sawed it into triangles which she has then re arranged on plywood. If you look closely it almost looks like a man with a baton.

1.Dead in the Water:
2.Fiona Hall’s Force Field:
3.The Poerty of Trash:

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